1. Drink a glass of water before eating 2. Eat five small meals a day 3. Eat slowly 4. Do yoga & cardio 20 minutes in a day and 5 days in a week 5. Cut out sweets 6. Never skip breakfast 7. Drink lots of water everyday 8. Get atleast 7-8 hours of sleep 9. Cut down alcohol consumption 10. Reduce salt intake 11. Avoid stress 12. Cut down fast food 13. Don’t have soda 14. Don’t isolate your stomach 15. Enrich your diet with fibres
If you want to reduce your weight naturally, so start doing Yoga daily for minimum 30 Minutes.
Yoga Asanas for weight loss:- 10 times Surya Namaskara (salutations to the sun), Pada Sanchalanasana (cycling),padachakrasana (leg rotation), Paschimottanasana (back stretching pose), Chakrasana (wheel pose),Matsyendrasana ,Halasana,
Pranayama :-
Kapalbhati, Bhastrika , Anulom vlom for These yoga exercises work great for tummy and thighs.
yogasite is designed for holistic and transformational experiences. It is a creation of a few friends who experienced profound changes in their lives and health after traveling the world, practicing yoga and meditation.