Our mission is to enhance students and communities through Yoga. By emancipating these practices our students are discovering that anything is possible. The knowledge they get on their yoga class are playing out in their day to day lives. During yoga sessions, students make a deep connection with their body, mind and soul. This connection opens up a world of positivity and possibilities, and they take this energy of positivity and transformation into their everyday lives. Many people perform and believe that Yoga is a way to stay fit. However, yoga is more than what it is generally seen. Each and every Yoga asana enhances your body and mind in a holistic way. Yoga gives relief and cure physical ailments, mental stress and eventually makes you a better human being physically, mentally, socially and then spiritually. Yoga calms your state of mind and lets you connect with your spiritual world. Yoga also helps you identify you the real meaning of life. Most people still find it hard to believe the importance of Yoga but it has certainly changed the life of millions of people worldwide. Due to the tremendous positive effects on the mind , body and soul . Yoga has become popular in every corner of the world. Any other form of exercise focuses in any one part of the body whether it will focus on physical fitness or mental fitness but yoga is the only form of exercises which focuses on the overall fitness of the human being making them physically, mentally and spiritually healthy.